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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

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The dangers of third-hand smoke

The ‘second-hand smoke’ part is the smoke that the smoker exhales. But if we talk about ‘third-hand smoke‘, most people may not be familiar with it and do not understand what it really means. But in fact, And third-hand smoke is the toxic substance from

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The dangers of trans fats

The dangers of trans fats. Nowadays, it seems that working-age and student populations live their lives in a very hurried manner every day. Only the race against time at the entrance to get to work and to line up at school has an impact on

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How to choose the right fats to eat in your diet

The fats we consume are a mixture of different types of fatty acids, which have different effects on the body. The main ones are: Consumption is to consume less “saturated” fat and replace it with more “unsaturated” fat. Dietary fat consists of three types of

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Benefits of quitting smoking

Cigarettes…we all know how harmful they are and how they can cause many diseases. But if someone who is addicted to cigarettes thinks about it, Quitting smoking? How much will that person’s body change? And will it keep them away from diseases? How much? Let’s

At what age can babies sit?

When a baby starts to control and hold his head upright by himself, he starts to roll over, lie on his back and crawl. The next development that parents will notice is that the babies sit up by himself without the parents having to support

W Sitting Position: A Silent Danger That Destroys Your Child

When the child can sit up, balance, not sway, and does not fall, the parents are all happy. Finally, the child can support himself to sit without the parents having to support him for fear that he will lean over and fall. But… please check

What does the color of your period remind you of?

Girls, have you ever wondered what the color of your menstrual blood each month tells us? Today, we have something for everyone.  Dark red  : is normal blood remaining inside. Bright red  : Normal health, but if it lasts more than 7 days, consult a doctor. Pink  :

10 things to notice about pregnancy symptoms

Early pregnancy symptoms are often similar to those before a period, such as breast enlargement, breast engorgement, or loss of appetite. Some people may experience a miss period, which can be caused by stress, fatigue, over-exercising, or other health problems. So how do you know

5 types of vegetables to increase height Eat healthy food

Did you know that some vegetables can help increase your height? So, any ladies who want to enhance their personality to look good? Or want to increase your height in a simple way? We recommend that you try eating the following 5 types of vegetables that help increase your

Foods to cure “constipation” and ways to solve the problem

Constipation is a condition in which the body has abnormal bowel movements. Resulting in difficulty in defecating. Stool is large, hard, dry, and requires a lot of force to break. Therefore, people who suffer from constipation may have questions about what to eat if they are constipated to