The dangers of trans fats. Nowadays, it seems that working-age and student populations live their lives in a very hurried manner every day.
Only the race against time at the entrance to get to work and to line up at school has an impact on the acceptance.
Eating meals in a hurry has led many people to choose fast food or
Fast food is everywhere. Anything that is easy and convenient is more suitable to eat while traveling.
Working or school at the same time, ยูฟ่าเบท do you know that the food we choose to eat every day has villains?
Is there hidden trans fat?

What are trans fats?
As for trans fat, it would not be wrong to call it the villain. Trans fat is unsaturated fat that occurs
Synthesized through the process of hydrogenation in vegetable oil, resulting in oil which is
The liquid changes into a semi-solid form, a process we call hydrogenation.

Why are trans fats used in food?
The reason why many entrepreneurs choose to use this trans fat is because this type of fat is
Fat that does not have a fat-like texture and can withstand very high heat. It can also be stored.
It lasts for a long time without any rancid smell and also has a taste similar to animal fat. And most importantly,
It allows entrepreneurs to greatly reduce production costs because it is cheap, สมัคร ufabet meaning that you invest less but gain profit.
This is why many entrepreneurs choose to use trans fat in their products or food.

The dangers of trans fats
Eating fried foods that contain too much trans fat will have a direct effect.
It affects the functioning of our body’s enzyme system, causing the good fat in our body to decrease and
It increases the amount of bad fat in the body instead. And It is much more serious than saturated fat.
Plus, this evil trans fat is not easily broken down because it is processed fat.
It makes our liver work much harder, and that is what leads to diseases or dangers from trans fats.
such as
– Obesity
– At risk of various diseases including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, as well as clogged arteries and
Blood vessels
– It causes more memory loss or Alzheimer’s than those who do not eat trans fat.

– At risk of developing retinal degeneration
– Causes inflammation of the gallstones
– May make it harder for women to conceive.

What types of food are trans fats found in?
– Hamburgers, donuts, snacks, French fries, cookies, white butter, margarine, creamer, cakes, crackers
Whipped cream nuggets, fried chicken, fried pork, fried food that requires oil or fat.

How to avoid trans fats
– Avoid eating fried foods that are rich in fat, especially junk food or foods
All types of waste include French fries, hamburgers, snacks, and fried foods.
Many or foods that contain margarine, etc.
– Choose to eat foods that contain 0 or less than 0.5 grams of trans fat by reading the labels.
After the product before buying and comparing with other brands, see
– Limit the amount of fatty foods, especially those that come in the form of processed fat, because it will cause
We’ve gotten twice as much trans fat.

Now that you know the dangers of trans fats, don’t forget to take care of yourself by stopping eating them.
This type of food, then choose to eat foods that are beneficial and nutritious, especially vegetables and fruits.
Wood, which is rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, along with exercise, is all that is needed.
Good health will stay with us for a long time.