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Tag Archives: Health

What does the color of your period remind you of?

Girls, have you ever wondered what the color of your menstrual blood each month tells us? Today, we have something for everyone.  Dark red  : is normal blood remaining inside. Bright red  : Normal health, but if it lasts more than 7 days, consult a doctor. Pink  :

5 steps to “stop bleeding” correctly

5 steps to “stop bleeding” correctly in emergency situations Proper hemostasis is very important. Help reduce organ loss. and reduce the risk of death For those facing emergency situations or in the midst of a violent event The first thing to do is to be mindful and assess the situation. Then

7 things you shouldn’t do after eating

7 things you shouldn’t do after eating Change your behavior. After eating to stay healthy. And avoid disease with the following 7 methods. 1. Don’t smoke          According to the experimental results of experts, it was found that smoking after meals comparable to smoking 10 regular cigarettes (causing more cancer