When is it “not” appropriate to take a shower?

the hotter the weather The more we want to live in a cool place. But if you’ve been sweating all day Nothing can make us feel refreshed like taking a shower. But there are times when we may have to wait even though it’s very hot. Because it may have negative effects on the body. Report from ยูฟ่าเบท
When is it “not” appropriate to take a shower?
- Just encountered the sun/the weather is sultry and very hot.
especially people with low blood pressure Taking a shower as soon as you’ve just met the heat The skin is still hot Taking a shower right away can cause your body to adjust to its temperature too quickly. causing the risk of fainting Therefore, you should sit and rest in your room. or indoor buildings until the heat subsides first Then it would be better to take a shower.
- After finishing eating
After eating, blood flows mostly to the digestive system. If you take a bath at this time There must be some blood divided to raise the other organs as well. It causes the digestive system to not work fully, which may cause bloating or indigestion.
- after exercise
It’s amazing to see so many people finish their intense workouts. Then walk to take a shower. In fact, we should sit and rest to recover from exhaustion. or allow the body to dry from moderate sweat first Then go take a shower. Because taking a shower immediately after strenuous exercise may cause blood to the heart. And the brain is not enough during the bath time. and cause fainting
- after drinking alcohol
After drinking, alcohol inhibits liver function. Causing less glucose to be released into the bloodstream But during bathing, the body needs even more glucose. Therefore, taking a shower after drinking alcohol As a result, the amount of sugar in the blood is not enough. Therefore, there is a risk of dizziness, dizziness, dizziness, and body weakness. and the risk of falling in the bathroom
- When sick, have a high fever
It has been known for a long time that patients with fever should wipe themselves to clean the body first until the fever subsides. It’s not just because sick people don’t have the energy to shower. But because of the time when we are sick The body temperature will reach 38-40 ℃ and increase the amount of body heat metabolism by 20%, thus making the body relatively weak. If taking a shower, it may cause harm to the body, faint, dizzy, unconscious and even shock.