Girls, have you ever wondered what the color of your menstrual blood each month tells us? Today, we have something for everyone.
Dark red :
is normal blood remaining inside.
Bright red :
Normal health, but if it lasts more than 7 days, consult a doctor.
Pink :
Caused by low estrogen hormones. Often occurs in people who exercise heavily or are anemic.
Orange-red :
Blood mixed with pus, foul smell, may indicate vaginal infection.
Reddish-gray :
If itching occurs, it may be a bacterial infection.
Brown :
This is normal or may be due to low progesterone. However, if it smells bad or is itchy, you should see a doctor.
Black :
Often found during menstruation that has just started or is about to end.
In addition to color, there are also quantities and symptoms that women should observe regularly.
Quantity : Each cycle should not exceed 80 cc or observe from the number of sanitary pads used. If the sanitary pads are soaked and must be changed every 2-3 hours, it is considered normal . However, if it must be changed every hour or menstruation lasts longer than 8 days, it is considered abnormal. ufabet http://ufabet999.app There may be an infection, anemia, hormonal imbalance, and at the same time, if the menstruation is very light.
Menstrual cycle : Normally, there should be a gap of about 28 days, plus or minus 7 days, and each cycle should come at approximately the same time. If your period is frequently absent or comes more frequently than usual, it may indicate an imbalance of hormone levels in your body or a disease in your reproductive organs.
Abdominal pain : This is a normal symptom that occurs every time you have your period. This is because prostaglandins are secreted, which cause the muscles to contract and spasm, similar to the pain during childbirth. However, if too much of this substance is secreted, it can cause severe pain or you may also experience nausea and diarrhea. However, if it happens frequently, it may be noted that the endometrium is growing abnormally or there is a tumor in the uterus.
In terms of quantity, menstrual cycle, and abdominal pain, if there are any abnormal symptoms, see a doctor immediately.